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Adding Business Value That Is Actually, Well, Valuable

increasing piles of quarters from left to right, ending with a jar of quarters and a person adding more to the jar

Want to increase your business’s prices? Add business value. Are you looking to stand out from competitors? Again, value is the answer. Whatever your objective, adding business value can help you get there.

But, adding value to a company is easier said than done. How do you do it? Read on to learn how to add value to your business.

Why adding business value is important

There are millions of small businesses across the United States, with many offering online shopping options to consumers nationwide. With so much competition, you need to make sure your business provides customers with a reason to choose you. That’s where adding business value comes in.

Adding value to a company can do a number of things, such as:

In short, adding business value can’t be an afterthought. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for decades, it’s never too late to put additional value into your business. 

How to add value to your business 

So, how can a business add value? First … what exactly is valuable to customers? To answer that, we have to look at what consumers are looking for in a product or service. 

Here are a few things consumers may find valuable in a business and its offerings:

Check out the tips below for some ideas on how to add value to business.

1. Gather feedback

Your first step in adding business value is to put the time and energy into finding out what’s valuable to your target audience. You can do this by gathering feedback from current, past, or even potential customers. 

One of the best ways to gather actionable feedback from consumers is through tailored surveys. Distribute surveys in-person, via email, on your website, and on your social media profiles. 

If you want to add business value, ask open-ended questions like:

Categorize input from customers and leads based on their responses. For example, put all the responses saying you need to improve customer service together and all the responses saying you need to fix your product together. That way, you know what’s most valuable to the greatest number of consumers. 

2. Prioritize quality 

One way you can bring more value to your customers is by providing better quality products. To do this, you may need to switch suppliers or spend some extra money. You might also consider buying wholesale for small business to keep costs as low as possible as you up the quality. 

Of course, you don’t want to jeopardize your business’s net profit. In some cases, businesses increase product or service quality in conjunction with raising prices. If you do this, explain your decision to raise prices by emphasizing the added value you’re giving customers.

By improving the quality of your products or services, you may find your speed falling sharply. But wait … don’t businesses also add value by speeding things up? So if you prioritize quality, will you also be sacrificing speed? Well, you don’t have to…

3. Bring on new employees

If you want to add value to your business in the form of speed, bring on new employees. Extra hands on deck can help you with all your time-related needs, including:

Hiring new employees can help you cut down on the time it takes your business to accomplish tasks. At the same time, you can improve your ability to deliver quality products and services to your customers. 

4. Add some personalization  

Personalization is one of those things that can really set you apart from your competitors. And, it can stick with customers long after their shopping experience.

Not sure how personalization and value go together? According to one source, 71% of customers get frustrated when a shopping experience isn’t personalized. Not to mention, 91% are more apt to shop at places that provide personalized offers and recommendations. 

When looking to add business value, personalize everything you can think of. You can personalize discounts, emails, print marketing materials, and customer service. 

5. Establish a customer loyalty program

Another way you can add business value is by giving customers more value—in the form of a customer loyalty program. 

A small business loyalty program rewards customers when they spend more or shop more frequently at your company. You might reward customers with free merchandise, discounts, or even advanced access to products or events.  

6. Try new things 

And last but not least, adding business value boils down to being willing to try new things. Whether it’s switching suppliers, adding convenient shopping options (e.g., shipping or delivery), or unveiling a product or service, be willing to experiment with your business’s formula. 

Want to know if adding business value translates to more incoming money? Patriot’s accounting software makes it easy to track expenses and income … translating to better transaction history and less guesswork. Start your free trial now! 

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